Most people in California simply want to go to their jobs and perform their job-related tasks to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately, the actions of others can make this a difficult task. While sexual harassment is illegal, victims should at the least be able...
business torts
Litigation over alleged pregnancy discrimination
The way that expectant mothers are viewed in the workplace has changed dramatically over the course of the last several decades. In fact, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act made discrimination based on medical conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth illegal....
Litigation over train engineer’s termination
Multiple jobs in California and other areas of the country require employers to make split-second decisions. In some cases, the worker is torn between potentially preventing a serious incident or causing damage to company property in an attempt to avoid an incident. A...
Grumpy Cat litigation leads to $710,000 award
When it comes to social media, it may be difficult to predict what exactly will attract attention and become a viral sensation. When such fame comes, however, many people in California must work hard to protect their property. For example, the owner of a cat -- known...
Litigation: Man awarded $1.2 million for wrongful termination
People in California often have a path in life. For many, this includes going to work and doing the best they can while employed. Fortunately, should something unexpected occur -- such as an illness or injury -- they should be able to trust that their employers will...
Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Ed Sheeran part of copyright litigation
Musicians and writers in California and across the world work hard to create original works. Once they have done so, they typically want to ensure that their works are protected from copyright infringements. To do so, people must sometimes turn to litigation in order...
PTSD diagnosis at center of pending lawsuit
Those who have a job related to public safety often have highly stressful positions. Even workers who answer 911 calls and dispatch emergency responders spend a great deal of their job hearing -- and sometimes experiencing trauma -- on calls. Unfortunately, a pending...
Pending lawsuit against streaming service Spotify
Musicians and those who work to ensure that songs are heard by millions want to ensure that they are properly compensated for their efforts. While there are copyright laws to protect them, some people in California find that they have been the victim of a violation,...
Litigation claiming retaliation results in $1.5 million award
Employees in California want to be judged and treated according to their abilities. If they have concerns about their treatment -- especially if certain actions may be a violation of law -- they should be able to have confidence in the fact that they will not face...
Litigation over pregnant California woman’s termination
The attitude toward pregnant women in the workplace has changed drastically over the course of the last several decades. In fact, there are laws in place protecting women from discrimination based on their pregnancy. Unfortunately, many women still face persecution...