Litigation an option for victims of sexual harassment

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2017 | business torts

People’s attitudes toward the workforce have changed substantially over the course of the last century. For example, there are — theoretically — equal opportunities for women and minorities. Unfortunately, there are still those workers who experience discrimination and harassment in the workplace, often prompting victims in California and across the country to pursue litigation. A recent study conducted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission revealed some troubling statistics about sexual harassment in the workplace.

The commission created a team of 16 members from differing regions and disciplines to work on the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace. The study took 18 months to complete and involved testimony from 30 witnesses in addition to public comments. According to reports, approximately 30,000 of the 90,000 complaints received by the EEOC in 2015 involved harassment.

Perhaps more startling is that many people who are victims or harassment will downplay the events, simply avoiding the harasser or enduring the treatment. Other simply attempt to forget the treatment. Unfortunately, the large majority of people who do report harassment and other types of mistreatment face retaliation as a result of making their report, according to a 2003 study conducted by the EEOC.

While protecting employees from harassment is the morally right action, it is also required by law. Additionally, litigation, settlements and other costs associated with such accusations as well as costs associated by lost productivity, higher turnover rates and a poor reputation can also have an impact. A professional with experience with business and employment law can help victims in California fully understand their options and choose the best path to justice.

Source:, “75 percent of workplace harassment victims who complain face retaliation, study finds”, Fiza Pirani, Oct. 16, 2017